St. George's Episcopal Church Flushing
St. George's is a historic Episcopal parish located in Flushing, Queens, New York, in the most diverse community in the United States.
St. George's is three language communities in one congregation and serves the English, Chinese, and Spanish communities in Flushing.

Parish History
As a landmark Church, St.George's Church has served the community for over 322 years. It was founded even before the independence of the United States. Due to the diversity in the surrounding neighborhood, St.George's Church is one of the most cultural and ethnically diverse churches in the United States. An English ministry has existed for 319 years currently serving a largely Caribbean congregation. The Chinese ministry was established in 1988 and followed shortly thereafter by the Spanish ministry. Each congregation has a different character and distinctive worship.
If you want to know more about St. George's
past, please click the link bellow:
"History of St.George's parish Flushing, Long Island"
Mission Statement
"We understand ourselves to be called: together as a body which welcomes and celebrates human diversity. To create a space where people of any faith or none, can join us in questioning and discovering the sacred in life through openness, struggle, laughter, and prayer. To a common commitment to be in solidarity with poor and marginalized people and to cherish Creation. We don't manage it all the time; when we don't, we try again".